Being a Morris side of currently limited number, Granta Blue has adapted some of the dances we perform to 3 or 4 dancers from the original 6 or 8.
Below are the cribs for some of the dances in our current repertoire. They are a rough map of how each dance goes.
It is worth referring to a video or 'A Handbook of Morris Dances' by Lionel Bacon (aka The Black Book) as published by The Morris Ring if more information is required.
Sticking behind, in front (on ground), R L (with partner), behind, in front, R RR (with partner)
Staggered chorus
Line as if odd side of set
Sticking - Odds x 2, Evens x 2, Odds x 2, Evens x 2, Odd, Even, Odd, Even, Clash. Then repeat.
3 as triangle, 4/6 as set
Chorusless dance
Normal set
Triangle with time
Triangle, pointing down
Step and galley twists
Corners Half/Full through 4 plain capers
Stick and stamp
Triangle - point away from musician
Triangle throw and clash
Line as if odd side of set
Hookleg into line
Triangle, point away from musician
Corner dance with folded hankies
Chicken Chasers
3 in line (as half set), 6 set
Chicken chasers, half hey (3 man along line, 6 man along sides)
3 man version (stepping and hands as normal, chorus as for half a 6 man set):
Stick and a half
Left hand = big stick, Right hand = half stick
Sticking - Odd x3, Even x3, Odd, Even, Odd, Even, Odd, Even, Clash. Then repeat.
4/6 as set
Bunchy corner dance
Hoppy dance
Horizontal line
Hooklegs and Helicopters
Horizontal line
Jig with sidesteps
Jig, single or double taking turns
Close sidestep: | R L R L | R L R hop | L R L R | L R L hop |
Open sidestep | R L R hop | L R L hop |
Rotating set chorus, all the rounds
Triangle - point towards musician
Jig with foot crossing
Jig, single or double taking turns
Sidestep: | R L R L | R L R hop | L R L R | L R L hop |
Cross/uncross free foot in this rhythm (follows the music): (right foot) x x x x | x x x - | (left foot) x x x - | (right foot) x x x - |
Raglan satellites
In line (as if one side of set)
Two stick bell ringing
Accumalting dance
In 4 man version optionally do whole hey before final chorus
2 person as if bottom couple of 8 man, 4 person as if end couples
For 4 person all done as if two separate sets.
3 as triangle, 4/6 as set
Sidestep corner dance with caper/salutes
Walking, stick passing dance
3 as triangle
Sidestep corner dance
3 as triangle, 4 as set
Stick and a half
3 staggered set, 4/6/8 Set
Sidesteps, twizzle, half hey
3 in line (as half set), 6 set
3 man version (stepping and hands as normal, chorus as for half a 6 man set):
(All left foot start, except for Foot up which is outside)